Those in favor say “aye” Because the nays never get to climb the stage Tell me a story I haven’t heard Was it not you? Who made the call and ended the call Sitting gallantly on a throne made by your own self! Blowing your own trumpet Sending out missiles with drones Regardless of whom it hurts Was it not you? Who made the rules and broke the rules Telling us when to grow up and grow old When to man up and bottle up those water in our eyes Displaying your own perfection As you forget there is no such thing as flawless! Was it not you? Who reminded me of how Jide bought a jet and I still ride a bicycle Mounting pillars of comparisons and building skyscrapers of envy Tell me what I do not know, would you? Because I am jaded now I utterly decline your bid To make the calls ever again! No my dear, Not you SOCIETY, not anyone.