Our Dreams

Written by Precious Eminent

When we were younger
We wished for a better life
Life filled with laughter and pleasure
Life without conflicts, pain, anger, hatred
We were only but little dreamers
 Who never stopped dreaming

Other times we started each passing day
With the thoughts of getting old and leaving
The academic environment where teachers
And lashes of Cain would never be felt
Where names of noise makers will not be heard
Where we would not be choked with homework

Where we would sleep and wake up at any time without the 
Sounds of morning bells for sleepy heads
Where we would have lots of edibles to teeth on
A world of laughter had we envisaged
Not a world where we hand in our rights to a fellow
Who at his whims and caprices disfavor us

Today as I strolled down the street
I saw a lot of dilapidated buildings
Bashed cars, dirts flying around the place
Fumes emitting from burning grasses
Beggars at the corners requesting aid
Passers by doing the usual "trekking"

The scent of fresh grasses
The scent of roasted corn
The scent of sand wetted by the rain
Are the pleasures I get each day
This was not the world I imagined
This is where I found myself but I would 
Never stop making my living worthwhile

In struggle we proceeded out of the womb
In struggle we fight to sustain our lives 
We gain our “getttings” by struggle
Shall we now stop struggling the struggle we need?
Only then must we have closed our eyelids in death


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