Love Exists...

Sitting under the sunset with a lover ashore, indeed in my heart, I know love exists.
It didn't start this way, but here we are now, in my soul I finally believe, that love exists.
At the start it was a scare, and then later it became a dare, but alas I agreed, that love exists.
Love exists even when we are not looking, it sits and stares and takes us unaware, which makes me reaffirm that love exists.
Love exists in the smiles, and sweet words, it also exists in the pain and heart aches.
Love exists, it is pure, divine and spotless, love exists It resides and takes hold of each heart.
(Nancy Ipole (Winner)

When cynics tell me there is no love
That people are selfish and so is the world
I ask them to consider four things
The expression of sweethearts together
A mother cradling her child for the first time
An artist satisfied with his work
A reunion of childhood friends
Love exists even where we are not looking
It is a force binding us all
The force that makes living worthwhile.
Olamiju Isaac Adekunmi (Winner)


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