Let's Pray, Shall We?

Let’s Pray, Shall we?
Written By Peace Eneja

For a better world I pray

A place
Where I can be anything I want
Where doomed critics exist no longer
With jagged mouth like the beak of a parrot
Whose aim is to tear you apart, with such tormenting rant
Where I never have to lose a loved one
Where I never have to compare and contrast
Where truth is entirely true
Where Lies and love never meet
Where heartbreaks give way to let bliss be

A society
Where “bloody hells” happen less
Where politics are never played
Like the game of chess,
Selfishly moving the pawns, the nights, the bishops
Only to sing the elites’ benediction
Where crisis are vanished,
Away from the solemn peace cascading the land

A home
Where Mothers nurture their babies with care and not cries
Where Fathers are Fathers for heaven’s sake!
Where children become the future we hoped for
Where family ties are strengthened by the moment
Where strongholds get stronger
Where peace and harmony become the game changer
Where the homeless become home builders

For a better world I pray,
But first, I shall at least
Create the world I want to see
Because it all begins with me!


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