By  Precious  Eminent

So boastful like the wind
So lowly like the seas
So fat like fattened rams
As dark as chicken’s ass
The limitations were unknown
For Love had bound my sight

He who sucked coins from me
He who used the cunny words to beg
He was not a friend but a gold digger
He has gone behind the lions back
To see the lioness. I will not roar

Will I roar? No I will not for he is not a threat
He is an unsweetened meat full of fats
He knows not that the lion’s teeth are not made of sweets
But of indescribable bones I will tear him apart with swings

Of ego, kingly elegance, with the armored achievements the 
Upgrade will be so bursty that he will fear my foot prints
He is nothing more than the fool I once dated.


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