Ngozi Marion Emmanuel, is a Lecturer and a Researcher at the department of mass communication, with Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka and the CEO of SLAM Initiative Nigeria, a non-governmental organization. This is her STORY on how she started the SLAM INITIATIVE and how she has been able to sustain it. How I Began. I started SLAM in my third year of University out of the growing need that I saw in young people. So, I thought to myself that young people need direction and also need to be gainfully occupied with community building and positive leadership. SLAM is an acronym for Smart Leaders Are Made and it was registered with the CAC in 2010. Ever since then, the initiative has been involved in several community development projects especially targeted at youths and younger adults in Secondary Schools. How I Deal With Challenges. Well, there is no worthwhile venture devoid of challenges. SLAM has its ups and downs. I mean times when we were down to nothing and it was tough g...