Becoming A Better Man:

    3 Awesome Ways To Get It Right!
    Written by Peace Eneja

Research has shown that about 70% of Nigerian men in their twenties do not usually take life very seriously until they turn from 30 to 31, to 32 and then they clock 40 still thinking they have ample time. The question is, why wait till you’re 30 or 40 or 50 as the case may be, before you get started and get serious with your life? It is quite disheartening to mention that some men turn their twenties, (which in my opinion is the most appropriate time to make every move you can to be whatever you want to become in life) into some sort of “experimental stage”. Instead of having a nice steady plan, they keep meandering from one point to the other, instead of learning how to maintain a relationship, they keep different relationships, breaking hearts and getting theirs broken. And who says you can’t start early to behave like a true gentleman?

Being a man isn’t about smoking a full packet of cigarette, or having a lot of women around you, or having a lot of people afraid of you; it’s about using your creative power to figure out what exactly you want from life and what you’re meant to be. The sooner you discover this, the more tendency you have to achieve more in life. When you get that sinking feeling that you’re still stock in the same place you were last few years or last few months, then you probably need to do one thing- discipline yourself. Discipline is essentially the ability of a man to put off what he wants in the moment for what he wants in the long run. A man without discipline is like a moving car without a break. It is essential to your existence as a man. Everyman’s life should reflect his temperament and principles with a good measure of discipline.  I suggest you -

*Establish Your Core Principles: one of the first steps you must take is fixing your core values. For instance, your core values might include trust, honesty, good moral integrity and so on. It is very crucial that you establish these principles because they will be your foundation, without which you can’t even stand at all or achieve anything. They are like the basics of everything you do. If you don’t get them right, it’ll be almost impossible to get anything else right!

*Get Rid Of The Ugly Habits: It is true that everything we do and have been through both the negative and the positive, make us who we are. Yet there are still some ugly habits that we need to fire from our lives. Even the most disciplined men have areas in their lives where they’re struggling to get by. So I suggest you spot an aspect of your life where you need to show more control and work on it until it gets better.
“First take time to identify your flaws, shortcomings or inabilities, then work on them. Get people to help you if you must, but don’t stop until you get the result you want…” P. Beatz.

*Make Super Achievable Goal and Get Right to It: A kindergarten teacher once entered the classroom and asked his pupils to mention one great thing they wanted to do, and about five of them said they wanted to fly. Then during the break time, the teacher spotted one of the pupils who wasn’t playing with his mates, but he stood at the centre of the field, closing his eyes with his arms spread apart. When the teacher approached to ask him what he was doing, he confidently said, “I am flying!” Now he may not have actually flown but, he was the only one among the five who made the move. So it is not enough to mention something you want to do, you have to get started and avoid procrastination. As Brain Tracy said in his book Eat That Frog, Start with the fattest and the ugliest!
Now is the time to adjust your life and it's important you push aside your old self with its ego and accept the better man option. Become the very hardworking and disciplined handsome man who is the dream of every woman, a true gentleman.


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