When STAYING TOGETHER Matters: How To Make It Work.

Picture two little rowing boats setting off across a choppy lake. A man sits in one, and a woman in the other. They have every intention of rowing side by side, yet they begin drifting in opposite directions until they can hardly hear each other above the wind. Soon the man finds himself at one end of the lake and the woman at the other. Neither knows how they drifted apart, or how to reconnect. Now picture two newlyweds. They stand at the altar and pledge to live together in love and harmony. Unfortunately, 50 percent of the time it doesn't work that way. Unless their relationship is maintained and cultivated, they will grow distant. That is why two romantic little rowboats often drift toward opposite ends of the lake.

So how can husbands and wives stay in love, and stay together for a lifetime? The answer is to row like crazy! Take time for romantic activities. Think about each other through the day. Avoid that which breeds conflict and resentment. Be aware of each other's needs and desires. These are the keys to harmony and friendship. Yes, it's difficult to keep two rowboats together, but it can be done if each partner is determined to row. Nothing beats a good marriage, but you have to work at it because the currents of culture and the stresses of life can cause you to drift apart. So for you to stay together, you need to do the following:
When it comes to loving others:

(1)  You need to SAY IT. An old fisherman who'd been married for fifty years to his patient, long-suffering wife, rarely took time to express his affection. Finally, in frustration one day she said to him, 'How come you never tell me you love me?' Without batting an eyelid, he announced, 'I told you I loved you when I married you, and if I ever change my mind I'll let you know!' That's a cute story, but not so cute if it's a reality. Your husband or wife may know you love them, but they still need to hear you say it. And so do your children, your friends and the people in your circle of influence. The fact is you can never say 'I love you' too much!

(2) You need to SHOW IT. Everybody needs 'a pat on the back.' Dr. Dolores Krieger, a professor of nursing at New York University who conducted numerous studies on the power of human touch, discovered that both the 'toucher' and the 'touchee' experience great physiological benefit from human contact. It works like this: red blood cells carry haemoglobin, a substance that transports oxygen to body tissue. And Dr. Krieger found that when one person lays hands on another, the haemoglobin levels in the blood stream of both people increase. And as they rise, body tissue receives increased oxygen, which invigorates you physically and can aid in the healing process. What you're seeing is the literal power of love in action.

(3) You need to APPRECIATE IT. Never take others for granted and never forget to say thank you. An attitude of 'I don't expect appreciation so I don't give it' will hurt you and close doors to your future.
You need to pull your weight. Don't be self-serving and opportunistic. Look for ways to make your presence an asset, not a liability. Life owes you nothing except an opportunity to grow.

Loving is good for you! There's nothing as rewarding, satisfying, or encouraging as loving others through your words and actions. Hence the Bible says, 'Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them' (Colossians 3:18-19 NIV) .
       Adapted from UCB website- The Word for Today, Written by Bob and Debby Gass.


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