
Showing posts from April, 2017

When STAYING TOGETHER Matters: How To Make It Work.

Picture two little rowing boats setting off across a choppy lake. A man sits in one, and a woman in the other. They have every intention of rowing side by side, yet they begin drifting in opposite directions until they can hardly hear each other above the wind. Soon the man finds himself at one end of the lake and the woman at the other. Neither knows how they drifted apart, or how to reconnect. Now picture two newlyweds. They stand at the altar and pledge to live together in love and harmony. Unfortunately, 50 percent of the time it doesn't work that way. Unless their relationship is maintained and cultivated, they will grow distant. That is why two romantic little rowboats often drift toward opposite ends of the lake. So how can husbands and wives stay in love, and stay together for a lifetime? The answer is to row like crazy! Take time for romantic activities. Think about each other through the day. Avoid that which breeds conflict and resentment. Be aware of each other...


Written by Peace Eneja When you hear the word “model”, I bet what usually comes to mind is a person who poses for the camera and appears on the front cover of a magazine or product. However, the definition of a model in this context goes beyond that. Most children want to look up to someone older, someone they want to learn from; it is easier to pick up behaviours from people and that's what children do. It's important that you  be the right model for them. Parenting is one of the toughest jobs I have ever known, and the fact is, you can never be fully prepared for the job until you get in. It is not easy to know what every toddler wants, understanding their language alone takes so much focus on them plus the teenagers coming up with their own little issues, and it is becoming difficult to make them understand you're still in charge while trying to give them little space; watching them step out of the house to a party you did approve but not with your whole h...