Give it Time

Written by Zubby Evans

When someone tells you he can't live without you, he loves you the way you are and can put up with your good and bad attitude; before you commit your heart, please GIVE IT TIME. When You just met someone today and feel like marrying him/her tomorrow; before you say "I do", remember you need to GIVE IT TIME.

When you see a new church in town and you hear their waves, before you conclude about how "hot" they are,  first GIVE IT TIME. When you are in a cross road of decisions, you don't know what to do, ask the people or persons who have been involved in it before. It means, GIVE IT TIME!

You can be good at giving people tests and trying to know who they are; some people know how to pass them all, but at the test of time they fail.

Time tests Love and proves it.
Time tests businesses and authenticates it.
Time tests spirituality and reveals it.
Time, a good tester.

Has anyone told you you are worthless and a disaster? Give it time, you'll prove them wrong; because consistency with time is the true test of efficiency.

Often times we overlook and neglect the power of time  to unviel the hidden, to prove the facts and clear the doubts. Some of the mistakes we made wouldn't have occurred if we had given it time. Some of the wrong decisions we made years back which have started to hunt us now and affect us negatively, could be traced to our impatience towards things. If we  could learn to be patient; to wait just a little while longer; to step back and watch things work out naturally...maybe, just maybe...we'll almost always avoid some misfortunes.


Tester of true character

 Revealer of motives

 Authenticates the fake


Always give it time.


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