Words from the street

It is always good to go to school, yes we know that. It's good to get a certificate, we know that too but one thing most people don't know especially “Freshers” who are so enthusiastic to enter into college is that school doesn't teach everything. Some things in this life we learn outside school. I mean, one needs to learn some important lessons on their own, have  mentors, read books, watch movies, go for seminars, surf the internet and a whole lot of other places/things. Host team went to the street to ask university graduates valuable lessons school never taught them. You'll be amazed!

What are some valuable lessons school never teach?

* School never taught me how to be independent. School didn't teach me how to understand the pressures of life. School didn't teach me how to make and maintain friends.***Barrister Okolie
*School doesn't teach common sense, Life pains, how to handle delicate people and how to go for what one wants. ** Joez
 *Thinking critically, school never taught me how to make and manage money plus survival and how to have a healthy relationship with people  ***Blazy 

*Our conventional school is characterized by rules whereas in life rules keep you level headed. You don't learn how to be brave to dare in school.School doesn't teach you how to be enterprising. School didn't teach me how to take risks, in fact it encouraged me to play safe whereas safe people never become anything worthwhile. Above all, school didn't teach me how money works. I learnt money making outside the school walls.
****Excellent man

* School didn't teach me how to love a woman or how to deal with problems in my relationship, I learnt it all by myself through experience and interaction. ***Josh 

* School was only teaching us how to struggle to get a grade, seeing your mates as competitors rather than for who they really are. It didn't teach me how to accept people the way they are***Kingsley

*The school system judges us by our performances on plain white sheets, it doesn't always give us the chance to genuinely express ourselves because of it's numerous rules and regulations. School didn't teach me how to express myself the way i want***Nelo

*School didn't teach me how to break through the huddles of life and get through stress, or how to overcome an addiction or depression***Dami

*The school was so busy teaching me what I barely needed that it didn't teach me what I actually needed the most and that is discovering my self, who I really am and what I really want in life. People like Steve Jobs had to drop out of school to discover this***Precious

Now You're Up!
Share with us some of the valuable lessons that you never learnt from school.


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