So Far...So Bad, So What?

Written by Peace Eneja

Look I know I have changed the phrase, but don’t worry, I’ll explain. By the way, it was supposed to be so far so good, sorry it has changed and I already said I’ll explain, then you might understand.

Hmmm…where do I start? Maybe from sometime early this year called January. I made a promise to myself that I'm going to do something really cool to make a difference in my life, so I started a media project which had always been my passion and I have been working every day to fulfill this promise and make my dreams come true, but it seems like am stuck somewhere around the cash corner and I can’t seem to get enough sponsors. Now it’s the end of the year, and it isn’t ready yet.

I guess you’re still wondering where I am headed and why I changed the phrase. Please read on. I have a close associate who started a building project early this year, and he was so certain that it will be ready by the end of the year, but it’s not. He has been working every day to make sure it’s completed. Although he’s got other things taking his time and money, but he’s yet to complete the building project.

Again, a friend of mine has been working on creating websites for new companies in town which she dreamed was going to be a breakthrough but, about 99% of them turned down her offer when she presented it to them and didn’t think her work was good enough.

Maybe your story’s different from mine and my friends’. Maybe you’ve given all you have into your new business and still have nothing to show for it; maybe you’ve been battling with an illness or an addiction that refuses to go away. Maybe you have been around people who have taken you for granted. It could be some family issues that you thought would be okay by now, but it’s not; or you’ve been with some persons you love and trust but just when you need them the most, they abandon you. Some people have made resolutions every New Year and at the end of each, it’s just like they’re not even getting close at all. Well I get it, it’s been So Far, So Bad and So What?

Everyone gets a rough time every once in a while and to be honest, sometimes you just think that life isn’t fair to you; like you’re the only one who’s not getting the good things; like your own rough time happens every day. Well, that might be bad and probably enough to keep you down but you don’t have to. There is a way out-Your choice. It’s one thing to be knocked down, it’s another thing to stay right where you fell, and the later depends on your choice.

And while it took Mark Zuckerberg literally one week to create Facebook, others like Thomas Edison tried for about ninety nine times before he discovered the light bulb, and then it took Nelson Mandela so many years of suffering to gain freedom for his country. Notice what these people had in common?-Persistence. They chose not to give up. They tried so many times and didn’t succeed but they didn’t stop until they got what they wanted.

Now I may not have the sponsors I need for my media project just yet but I’ll never stop working on it. My colleague may not have completed his building project now, but he won’t stop until it’s done. My friend’s proposal may be rejected, but she keeps creating more and more beautiful designs and so should you. Things may not be going well in your home right now but it will be all right, your business may be at ease now but it will match on, people may abandon you today, but you’ll survive it, that illness or addiction may still come back, but it’ll soon walk away. There’s only one thing you need to do for your self-Don’t Give Up, don’t ever stop. Because that’s all that matters and I hope by now you understand why I changed the phrase.


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