So Far...So Bad, So What?

Written by Peace Eneja Look I know I have changed the phrase, but don’t worry, I’ll explain. By the way, it was supposed to be so far so good , sorry it has changed and I already said I’ll explain, then you might understand. Hmmm…where do I start? Maybe from sometime early this year called January. I made a promise to myself that I'm going to do something really cool to make a difference in my life, so I started a media project which had always been my passion and I have been working every day to fulfill this promise and make my dreams come true, but it seems like am stuck somewhere around the cash corner and I can’t seem to get enough sponsors. Now it’s the end of the year, and it isn’t ready yet. I guess you’re still wondering where I am headed and why I changed the phrase. Please read on. I have a close associate who started a building project early this year, and he was so certain that it will be ready by the end of the year, but it’s not. He has been worki...