Perfectly Imperfect!

Embracing Your Imperfections Without Apologies Written By Peace Eneja Growing up as a little girl, I had a bow leg. When my parents first found out, they decided to take me to a hospital, the same hospital that my mother gave birth to me. When they met the doctor, he looked at me and said, “This girl is too beautiful to have a bow leg, we’ll see what we can do to fix this”. Luckily for me, after undergoing constant treatments and taking a lot of calcium, my legs straightened up with time. And I am really glad it did. A few days ago, my colleagues and I took some photographs after we finished a breakfast meeting session with our company’s clients. As most young people would do, I wanted to post the picture on my social media status. Unfortunately, I was scared of posting the particular one that I liked because my legs appeared bow again! I was scared of hearing an older version of what the doctor said to my parents…”This girl is too beautiful to h...