
Written By Peace Eneja. I can still remember those words you said to me, I still feel them piercing through like the sword used to end Klaus Michelson. That wicked sword, more painful than death itself. It all began smooth and I was optimistic. I believed that life with you was going to be all sugary like icing sugar and nourishing like a smoothie. I wish I was never so hopeful, so optimistic, and so positive that things were going to work out perfectly. Guess I was dreaming too big; my mum used to tell me..."dream big, there's no limitation to what you can achieve", this time I dreamt way too big. Maybe I was stupid, actually I think I was...blinded by my heart and deceived by the "happily ever after" cliché, I should have used more of my brain, maybe both my brain and heart together. I am angry with myself for letting me fall for you, for all the pieces of us I tried to put together so we can become better, for all the questions I sh...