The Shadow Encounter

Written by Peace Eneja It was cold that night. The harmattan had gotten intense. If I wasn't in Nigeria, I would be expecting a snow fall. My ribs shaking ,the same movement as my lips. I was shivering at a corner, praying that I lay my hand on something, anything at all that I could use to keep myself warm. I was alone in the dark, in the middle of nowhere. I couldn't even tell what I was doing there. Then suddenly I saw a tree moving closer like a masquerade towards me. Oh! That's funny, because trees don't have legs, so why would they move...sorry walk? For a moment, I thought it wasn't real, it shouldn't be. Then I closed my eyes so tight, hoping that it was just a dream, that it'll soon go away. Then I opened them again, it was still there, as real as day light, right in front of me. Then I started to run as fast as I could, throwing my legs away...sorry my shoes. But it was still chasing me, right here and there. I couldn't outrun it. ...